Student Science- Squared


08/22/2013 17:43

Website launched

Our new website has been launched today. We hope to use this as the main gathering place for...

Welcome to our website

One Square Foot.  What can you learn from one square foot?


That is the question that my students will attempt to answer in this year-long, nature-based science project.


Each student will receive a one square foot wooden frame and a hand lens.  He/She will need to find an outdoor location to place this frame and will leave it placed there all school year. 


The minimum requirement is to visit this location for at least fifteen minutes once a week (or more often).  While there,  each individual will jot down notes, make sketches, take pictures or videos, make observations, and write down questions that they have about what they are seeing or thinking in a science notebook.


There are many goals for this activity, but the main one is to observe the ecology of this One Square Foot and its surroundings throughout the school year.

Search site


Mr. Berger- McDole Elementary

Visitor's notice

We will be sharing various activities connected to this project on this site.  This will include articles and pictures by students, as well links to pages, blogs, and sites featuring individual student postings.  There will be opportunities to question, comment, and encourage along the way.  Please take advantage of these opportunities!  We are excited to share our learning with you!